So, in the spirit of one of the biggest gambling weekends of the year, I thought I’d put up some lines on the Superbowl in relation to some of GURU’s staff. For example, if you had to take the over/under on how many slots Jeremy Shockey moves up on my mancrush list when I see him on the sidelines in his street clothes, would you say more or less than six slots. He’s currently #12.
One of the saddest moments of my life.
On to the lines. Bets are now being accepted for the following over/under scenarios:
Number of players on the current Patriots roster that Nick Zarzycki drafts for his fantasy football team next year: +/- 4.
Number of Clay Aiken songs Jenn Adams downloads from iTunes during the game: +/- 2.
Jenn wishes she was Rueben right now.
Number of times Ethan Smith cleans his rims during the halftime show: +/- 1.
Number of times a Macbook Air commercial runs before Sasha Strickland goes online and orders one: +/- 2.
That's not an apple logo, it's Sasha's drool.
Number of quarters Jeremy Tucker watches before he gets bored and starts playing online poker: +/- 2.
Number of times Jorge Diaz gets up to change Micah’s diaper during the game: +/- ½.
When Micah understands this, Jorge will be one happy father.
Number of players Sakita Withers knows on either team, despite winning the GURU Fantasy Football League last year: +/-2.
Number of times Ahmad Mando will claim that the Eagles are better than the Giants: +/- 8.
I guess the McNabbs travel in covered wagons. Mrs. McNabb will die of dysentery.
Number of times a hobo breaks into Scott Burlington’s house during the Superbowl: +/- ½.
Number of times Viral Mehta changes the channel to One Tree Hill: +/- 3.
I really wish I had a picture of Viral that I could photoshop into there.
Total number of yards Paul Locander would get if he was selected to do the Punt/Pass/Kick Challenge: +/- 26.
Number of those yards acquired through the Pass portion: +/- 12.
It was one Clay Aiken song. AND I DIDN'T EVEN PAY FOR IT.
(illegal downloading for the win)
"Total number of yards Paul Locander would get if he was selected to do the Punt/Pass/Kick Challenge: +/- 26.
Number of those yards acquired through the Pass portion: +/- 12."
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